Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Online CRM

Online CRM will give users greater mobility, fast access, rapid implementation and highly customizable features in the most cost effective way possible.Hence it is considered to be more beneficial than the traditional CRM systems. Online CRM lowers the cost of ownership as it is an entirely online process where users can subscribe to the service and pay on a monthly or annual basis. It will also enable a business to subscribe to particular features of the online CRM without having to pay for the features that they do not need.

The time taken for implementation of an online CRM is also less since it only involves online configuration and bypasses the need for installations, backend systems, hardware server infrastructure and other processes that a conventional or Traditional CRM software would have to go through.

Benefits of Online CRM for Small Business

online crm provides perfect solutions for the specific needs of small businesses. It also helps in mangaging various business activities such as :

  • Sales and Marketing

  • Billing and Expense

  • Project Management

  • Human Resources

  • Customer Service

Online Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solutions make customer as the main focus for all the activities in the enterprise. They help the businesses to understand the customer needs and serve the customers in more better way CRM Solutions help in increasing the revenue:

  • By reducing operational costs.
  • Simplifying Sales and Marketing Processes.
  • Broadening the Customer base.
  • Providing better Customer service.